The Other Political Economy: A Fragment

Below I’ve posted a segment from my first chapter on Marx, which I cut from the project since it doesn’t entirely fit within the course of argument.  I thought I’d include it here in order to rescue it from oblivion,…

Kracauer, Hierarchy, and the Educated Masses

Preface Since it’s been some time since I’ve posted last, and since the time between my initial posts has always been a bit long, I’ll try to start posting a bit more regularly and in shorter bursts.  I’ll attempt to…

Reflections on the method of the dissertation

If the goal of this blog is to open my project up to collective production in some way, then laying bare the methodology of the project becomes crucial.  Otherwise, the “collective” work touches only on superficial elements of the project—the…

Blochian method?

It struck me the other day that very little has been written about Ernst Bloch’s methodology. We find a basic narrative about Bloch (found in Jameson’s Marxism and Form and Hudson’s The Marxist Philosophy of Ernst Bloch, for example) repeated in much…

Introduction, Part 2: Project Overview

Below I have posted segments from my recent dissertation proposal, in order to provide a fuller account of the project and its current structure.  While I’ve already begun to plan some significant structural transformations to the project, the following offers…

Introduction, Part 1: The Aim of “Time and Revolution”

Welcome to “Time and Revolution.” The purpose of this blog is to open my dissertation project to a process of collective theoretical engagement.  In doing so, I aim to both call into question the limits of the dominant forms of…

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